New main site and upgraded forum

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New main site and upgraded forum

Post by Jonathan »

Hi everyone,

As you will undoubtedly have noticed, the main CarlssonPlanet has site has been refreshed with a new look, new features, and a new modern background platform that will help keep it up to date and ready for the future. One of the main things is that both the main site and the forum is now built with smartphones and tablets in mind, visit the site from your own mobile device to see for yourself!
You can read more about what is new with the main site at this link.

At the same time, I've gone ahead and upgraded the forum software to phpBB 3.1.6, which comes with a host of new features and improvements, some of them are listed below.

The photo album feature has been impacted due to this, I've written a separate topic about this, please refer to it for an explanation and to ask any questions.

I'd like to get your feedback on the new main site, the forum, any issues you have encountered, and so on. I've create a dedicated topic for this, please use this to provide your feedback!

News in phpBB 3.1
- Responsive Theme
Our default style, prosilver, has been completely overhauled to ensure a modern experience on all of your devices. Give it a try on a tablet or smart-phone.
- Notification System
Easily configure how you prefer to be notified about various events, such as when you are quoted in a post. The new extensible notifications feature lives in the header of every page and provides a centralized place to receive alerts and other information.
- OAuth Login
Register and login using your Google,, or Facebook accounts. Extensions can easily add other authentication services.
- Unmatched Security
Nothing is more important than keeping your data safe, and our record speaks for itself. In the past four years, there have been no reported vulnerabilities in the phpBB software. Meanwhile SMF, vBulletin, IPB, and MyBB have had an average of 10, and as many as 16. That's an average of 10 more reasons to choose phpBB. And just to make sure, we hired a professional security company to audit the entire phpBB 3.1 codebase.
- Soft Delete
Posts and topics can now be removed from public view without being permanently deleted. You can determine this behaviour per user or group.
- Improved Global Announcments
Global announcements are now tied to a specific forum, greatly simplifying permissions.
- Improved Teams Page
The new teams page is highly customisable and sorted by groups.
- Contact Page
Visitors, including guests, can now get in touch with the board administrator by using the built-in contact page.
Traditionally with phpBB, even simple operations like deleting a post or reordering forums have involved multiple requests and full page loads, which was slow and heavy on bandwidth. We've added AJAX functionality to a lot of these simple operations, making them faster and easier to do.
- Improved Navigation
Redesigned and laid out to provide better UX/UI. The addition of menus to group similar functionality. Improved consistency across the design. Completely reworked buttons leveraging CSS rather than images.
- HTML5 & CSS3 Enhancements
We're now using the HTML5 doctype and CSS3 to modernize the codebase, reduce the number of requests made to the server, and speed up page load times.
Jonathan Gulbrandsen - Webmaster
The Rules | Asking Questions The Smart Way
"There are two ways to write error-free code. Only the third one works."
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
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Posts: 543
Joined: Sun 15 Dec 2002, 17:45
Location: Stockholm

Re: New main site and upgraded forum

Post by Jonathan »

Hi all,

The forum has been upgraded to phpBB 3.2.3 from 3.1.12.

Main new features:
Thanks to our brand-new BBCode parser your users can now make use of the entire Emoji keyboard when posting on your board. From a lovely grin to a pink unicorn, Emoji can liven up all posts on your board!

PHP 7 Support
PHP 7 works twice as fast as previous PHP versions. We have modified phpBB to now completely support this new release of PHP (both 7.0 and 7.1) so you can enjoy all these performance advantages.

Clever Quotes
We've improved the quoting system to show a link to the quoted post and post author. The full time and date of the quoted post is now also available to get all the information in one glance.

Easy Updating
With our brand new installer updating will be easier than ever in phpBB 3.2! Upload a single folder to your board and all your files will automatically be replaced.

With phpBB 3.2 now including the industry standard by using Google's newest and strongest API, you will have an even better protection against spambots than before.

Improved Notifications
With us completely refactoring the notifications system in phpBB 3.2, notifications now work faster and more efficiently. This change also reduces the posting time to be almost instantaneous.

FontAwesome Icons
Using CSS driven icons from FontAwesome, we now have more intuitive icons with retina quality all across phpBB as well as considerably improving the speed of page loads.
Detailed changes:

Code: Select all

1. Changelog
Changes since 3.2.3-RC2
[PHPBB3-15504] - phpBB Debug warning in 3.2.2
[PHPBB3-15740] - Terms & Privavy hardcoded
Changes since 3.2.3-RC1
[PHPBB3-11847] - auth_provider_oauth migration must depend on at least one migration that ensures the module tables exist as expected
[PHPBB3-15548] - Dead link in ACP_COOKIE_SETTINGS_EXPLAIN language entry
[PHPBB3-15586] - When creating a module without the modes array a missing 'module_langname' index is accessed
[PHPBB3-15613] - Notification dropdown said to be not RTL compliant
[PHPBB3-15627] - Improve wording of YES_ACCURATE_PM_BUTTON + EXPLAIN
[PHPBB3-15678] - PHP warning in filesystem.php
[PHPBB3-15731] - Fix acp_search language parameters when deleting index
[PHPBB3-15630] - Change <b> to <strong>
[PHPBB3-15633] - Remove extra space in GROUP_MAX_RECIPIENTS_EXPLAIN
[PHPBB3-15657] - Add core.mcp_queue_get_posts_for_posts_query_before and core.mcp_queue_get_posts_modify_post_row
[PHPBB3-15676] - Display privacy policy & terms of use more prominently
[PHPBB3-15677] - Updated dependencies for 3.2.3-RC2
Changes since 3.2.2
[PHPBB3-14936] - Missing language variable INST_ERR_DB
[PHPBB3-15491] - Outdated linkes in installer support page
[PHPBB3-15492] - Permissions role combobox does not work in RTL
[PHPBB3-15500] - Docs outdated for new PHP 5.4.7 requirement
[PHPBB3-15502] - Errors in migrations in 3.2.2 release
[PHPBB3-15506] - Previewing new post empties attachment list of all but first attachment
[PHPBB3-15512] - Avoid reparsing non-existent polls
[PHPBB3-15513] - Signature edit in acp gives error
[PHPBB3-15520] - DbDriver->sql_build_query cant cope with sub-selects
[PHPBB3-15522] - Allow multiple color palettes per page
[PHPBB3-15523] - AdBlocker may cause JS error when using CookieConsent
[PHPBB3-15525] - composer.json License is Invalid/Deprecated
[PHPBB3-15526] - Cast bbcode ID to integer
[PHPBB3-15527] - Cannot interpret the BBCode definition
[PHPBB3-15532] - Update pull request template
[PHPBB3-15533] - Typo in viewtopic_topic_tools.html
[PHPBB3-15558] - phpbb\report\report_handler_post.php
[PHPBB3-15559] - phpbb\report\report_handler_pm.php:56
[PHPBB3-15595] - Migration Module Exists Tool Broken
[PHPBB3-12579] - Add BUTTON_ language strings for post & PM buttons
[PHPBB3-15495] - Use transactions for queries in move_forum
[PHPBB3-15499] - Drop HHVM support
[PHPBB3-15510] - Link Orphan attachments in ACP>General to Orphaned attachments page
[PHPBB3-15514] - Improve accessibility by adding vital info from explanation to a title
[PHPBB3-15518] - Do not attempt to accurately determine whether posters can read private messages in viewtopic
[PHPBB3-15528] - Display the version of the installed styles in acp
[PHPBB3-15529] - Color groups in ACP
[PHPBB3-15531] - Log malformed BBCodes
[PHPBB3-15534] - Outdated ACP extensions database link for phpBB 3.2
[PHPBB3-15535] - Add S_FIRST_POST to postrow on viewtopic
[PHPBB3-15537] - Add events core.search_(native|mysql|postgres|sphinx)_index_before
[PHPBB3-15547] - Add file object to event core.avatar_driver_upload_move_file_before
[PHPBB3-15561] - Add core events for adding columns to MySQL and Postgres search backends
[PHPBB3-15568] - Update depencies to latest versions
[PHPBB3-15569] - Adjust update instructions to suggest file replacement method
New Feature
[PHPBB3-15398] - Add event to oauth login after ID check
Security Issue
[PHPBB3-15570] - Extension version check is restricted to TLS 1.0
[PHPBB3-15466] - Move Nils in CREDITS.txt
[PHPBB3-15516] - Add instructions on running UI tests
Changes since 3.2.1
Security Issue
[SECURITY-211] - URLs with javascript scheme should not be made clickable
[PHPBB3-7845] - Error on posting local image when script path is empty
[PHPBB3-13214] - Contact us page textarea looks narrow in responsive mode
[PHPBB3-14629] - acp global quick reply will not enable quick reply correctly
[PHPBB3-14857] - ordinal suffix in dateformat is not handled in translations
[PHPBB3-15041] - Cannot delete Orphaned Attachments when large number of attachments
[PHPBB3-15060] - Online user list fails on notifications
[PHPBB3-15089] - Enable/Disable settings backwards for Cookie Secure
[PHPBB3-15133] - Fast image size library sometimes returns no size or invalid sizes
[PHPBB3-15149] - Unexpected Ctrl+Enter behavior on reply
[PHPBB3-15171] - Confusing bitfield values
[PHPBB3-15172] - $request->server('server_port') is returning wrong port
[PHPBB3-15174] - Unable to purge cache (ext & acp)
[PHPBB3-15195] - Code direction in print view is not defined as "ltr"
[PHPBB3-15201] - Removing style sets user_style to 0
[PHPBB3-15224] - Advanced search in "message text only" crashes with SQL error when using Mysql fulltext search index
[PHPBB3-15245] - Relative URLs in atom feeds broken when accessing via app.php
[PHPBB3-15262] - WebFontConfig google families script issue in 3.2.1
[PHPBB3-15266] - Content visibility events do not allow what they describe
[PHPBB3-15273] - 'COOKIE_PATH_EXPLAIN' does not make sense
[PHPBB3-15285] - Travis tests are failing due to trusty changes
[PHPBB3-15292] - Retina imageset is blurry when displayed in Chrome browser
[PHPBB3-15297] - Current date in board index is broken into lines in RTL
[PHPBB3-15298] - Errors being suppressed in cli
[PHPBB3-15303] - Typo in memcached driver
[PHPBB3-15306] - Error and missing information in core.acp_users_profile_validate event
[PHPBB3-15309] - Improved fix for pagination layout in tables
[PHPBB3-15314] - Wrong class constructor definition for convertor component
[PHPBB3-15319] - Database update v310\style_update_p2 fails to drop sequences
[PHPBB3-15320] - Redis cache does not save keys with expiration date 0 (no expiration)
[PHPBB3-15322] - Wrong return Return-Path in emails
[PHPBB3-15331] - Gravatars cannot be overridden
[PHPBB3-15332] - Dark background is always removed after confirm popup
[PHPBB3-15333] - Callback isn't called when confirm dialog is canceled
[PHPBB3-15339] - Missing acp_send_statistics -> Upgrading to 3.2.0 fails for phpBB 3.0.5
[PHPBB3-15346] - The installer tries to enable all extensions even if they are not enableable
[PHPBB3-15347] - Password updater in cron generates invalid postgres SQL
[PHPBB3-15349] - Cli doesn't check if an extension is enableable before enable it
[PHPBB3-15350] - Links to Plural rules are outdated
[PHPBB3-15351] - Confirm box function does not work with symlink on server config
[PHPBB3-15353] - Invalid HTML in ACP board settings
[PHPBB3-15355] - Empty version field in versioncheck when using the latest version
[PHPBB3-15356] - Avatar remote upload doesn't work
[PHPBB3-15361] - Topic / Forum Icons Look Withered (on Safari)
[PHPBB3-15362] - Excessive value for {NOTIFICATION_TYPES_COLS}
[PHPBB3-15365] - Fix invalidating OPcache
[PHPBB3-15367] - Sphinx search backend doesn't escape special characters
[PHPBB3-15368] - Schema upgrade fails in 3.2.1 when using SQL Server
[PHPBB3-15379] - Reparser cron will always run
[PHPBB3-15381] - L_CONTACT_US_ENABLE_EXPLAIN should specify that "Enable board-wide emails" is also needed for it to work
[PHPBB3-15390] - Admin permissions role tooltip popup has vertical bar running through it.
[PHPBB3-15396] - revert_schema() steps not executed in correct order
[PHPBB3-15401] - Use separate constant for memcached driver config
[PHPBB3-15419] - Sphinx does not search UTF keywords in delta index
[PHPBB3-15423] - Wrong title for topic's "Unappproved posts" icon
[PHPBB3-15432] - Don't remove dark background if fadedark is false
[PHPBB3-15433] - phpbbcli can enable non-existent extension
[PHPBB3-15445] - Git Contribution Guidelines in is outdated
[PHPBB3-15464] - Can't reparse [IMG] - in uppercase
[PHPBB3-15475] - Restore Travis PR commit message validation
[PHPBB3-15478] - core.js $loadingIndicator JavaScript errors
[PHPBB3-15489] - Wrong footer text on forum of type "category"
[PHPBB3-15496] - SQL Error in PostgreSQL Fulltext search when results displayed as topics
[PHPBB3-15497] - Declaration of admin_activate_user::create_insert_array not compatible with base
[PHPBB3-15498] - confirm_box() adds duplicate strings to URLs in extensions
[PHPBB3-7488] - View Only - Categories: No Message
[PHPBB3-9819] - Move functions definitions out of mcp.php and includes/mcp/mcp_*.php
[PHPBB3-12291] - Allow extensions to use custom topic icons
[PHPBB3-12939] - Drop support for IE <11 on January 2016
[PHPBB3-14677] - Extension update check is not very colorblind / colourblind friendly.
[PHPBB3-14820] - Style Version Missing
[PHPBB3-14919] - Inconsistent use of globals vs class elements in acp_extensions
[PHPBB3-14927] - event core.user_add_modify_data
[PHPBB3-14944] - Add possibility to search for template loop indexes by key
[PHPBB3-14950] - Add possibility to delete a template block with alter_block_array
[PHPBB3-14979] - Remove underline from unread icon
[PHPBB3-14994] - Refactor template->assign_block_var to be consistent with alter_block_array
[PHPBB3-14995] - Add ACP template events acp_ext_list_*_name_after
[PHPBB3-15111] - Fix the typo in ucp_pm_view_messsage
[PHPBB3-15134] - Avatar upload driver should use filesystem service
[PHPBB3-15247] - Add driver for APCu v5.x cache
[PHPBB3-15267] - Hide birthday block if the user cannot view profile
[PHPBB3-15291] - Allow short array notation in event declarations
[PHPBB3-15293] - Prevent skipping file changes in automatic updater
[PHPBB3-15307] - Allow extensions to add custom modes to acp_users module
[PHPBB3-15328] - Disable email/jabber checkbox if notification method isn't supported
[PHPBB3-15340] - Update to plupload 2.3.1, stable for one year
[PHPBB3-15352] - Add text to clarify forum descriptions won't display on categories
[PHPBB3-15374] - Add core event to modify page title in viewforum.php
[PHPBB3-15384] - Add linebreaks to SMTP configuration option explanations
[PHPBB3-15385] - nginx sample config: www redirection, security regex
[PHPBB3-15387] - prosilver: vertical bars on forum rows on index page not full height
[PHPBB3-15389] - Simplify migration between event names
[PHPBB3-15391] - Remove not needed image rendering from topic/forum images
[PHPBB3-15394] - Add $user_cache and $post_edit_list to core.viewtopic_modify_post_row
[PHPBB3-15408] - Reject duplicate BBCodes in ACP
[PHPBB3-15409] - Add u_action to core.acp_users_overview_run_quicktool
[PHPBB3-15442] - Allow unsafe HTML in bbcode.html
[PHPBB3-15444] - Merge duplicate BBCodes via a migration
[PHPBB3-15446] - Add event core.acp_profile_action
[PHPBB3-15447] - Add event core.acp_profile_modify_profile_row
[PHPBB3-15451] - [EVENT] - mcp_topic_postrow_attachments_before/after
[PHPBB3-15452] - [EVENT] - mcp_topic_postrow_post_before
[PHPBB3-15453] - Add event in acp_language after delete language
[PHPBB3-15454] - event - mcp_queue_approve_details_template
[PHPBB3-15470] - attachment boxes need there own font-size
[PHPBB3-15471] - Add core events to ACP when pruning a forum
[PHPBB3-15476] - Add core event before search rows are edited
[PHPBB3-15485] - Add template event to forumlist_body > forum images
[PHPBB3-15486] - Add core event to the function user_add() to modify notifications data
New Feature
[PHPBB3-13344] - Add new events for logging
[PHPBB3-15122] - Support using memcached instead of memcache
[PHPBB3-15372] - Add a "Can view topics" permission
[PHPBB3-13150] - [Event] - core.phpbb_log_get_topic_auth_sql_after
[PHPBB3-15468] - Add a service to merge duplicate BBCodes
[PHPBB3-15179] - Update 3.2.x dependencies and fix Twig > 1.25 compatibility
[PHPBB3-15304] - Update s9e/text-formatter dependency
[PHPBB3-15455] - Margin discrepancy due to <!-- INCLUDE jumpbox.html -->
[PHPBB3-15457] - Update s9e/text-formatter dependency
Changes since 3.2.0
[PHPBB3-7336] - Words in new topic title aren't found by search after topic is split
[PHPBB3-11076] - Update notification in ACP for minimum PHP version missing essential information
[PHPBB3-11611] - setup_github_network.php no longer creates a repository
[PHPBB3-13250] - File cache does not write entries starting with _ and containing a slash
[PHPBB3-14732] - Update/remove PHP Code syntax highlighting references
[PHPBB3-14790] - Nested color/list BBCode is not parsed correctly
[PHPBB3-14938] - Inconsistent data results from ext_mgr->all_available() vs ext_mgr->is_available()
[PHPBB3-14967] - Cookie Notice
[PHPBB3-14971] - PHP 7.1 warning on pagination
[PHPBB3-14975] - incorrect RTL style appearance
[PHPBB3-14984] - wrong arrow direction in PM inbox
[PHPBB3-14985] - Plain text is stored as HTML and not decoded before usage
[PHPBB3-14989] - url bbcode does not support irc protocol
[PHPBB3-14992] - User notifications table allowing duplicate entries
[PHPBB3-14999] - Next PM icon pointing in wrong direction
[PHPBB3-15002] - Topic icons not showing in search results
[PHPBB3-15003] - When using mark all, disabled check boxes should not become checked
[PHPBB3-15006] - Permission inheritance with checkbox not working
[PHPBB3-15008] - Disable emoji when smilies are disabled
[PHPBB3-15010] - Crash on user profile custom field
[PHPBB3-15011] - Error not checked on metadata load failure
[PHPBB3-15012] - Invalid constructor in FTP file updater
[PHPBB3-15015] - phpbb 3.2.0 install error in the board-wide emails description...
[PHPBB3-15016] - Smilies that contain some characters cause an exception to be thrown
[PHPBB3-15023] - Undo and properly fix post row paging
[PHPBB3-15025] - Use SSL in version check for extension
[PHPBB3-15035] - Add phpinfo.php to 3.2.x install directory
[PHPBB3-15036] - Failure at board setup in functional tests with install_config present
[PHPBB3-15044] - Installation does not create search index
[PHPBB3-15047] - Error migrating from 3.0.12 to 3.2. MS SQL Server
[PHPBB3-15050] - Updater incorrectly adds files when new file already exists
[PHPBB3-15056] - Mark forums read does not update subforum icons
[PHPBB3-15058] - At new feature release phpBB's CSS files should carry information for cache busting
[PHPBB3-15062] - Update to Rhea version number the CSS files
[PHPBB3-15079] - MySql Error when saving draft with Emoji
[PHPBB3-15083] - emoji's not always size constrained
[PHPBB3-15084] - Wrong order of breadcrumbs in module management
[PHPBB3-15090] - Missing acp_send_statistics -> Upgrading to 3.2.0 fails for phpBBs < 3.0.6-rc1
[PHPBB3-15102] - Missing parameter calling version_check
[PHPBB3-15103] - JPEG dimensions undetectable when JFIF header is missing
[PHPBB3-15118] - HTML error/typo in jumpbox.html
[PHPBB3-15124] - Navbar icon titles don't get hidden in responsive view
[PHPBB3-15126] - Incorrect links with clever quotes
[PHPBB3-15135] - Undefined $user in metadata manager
[PHPBB3-15137] - Global Announcements shouldn't always be never ending
[PHPBB3-15150] - Yabber SSL/TLS certification
[PHPBB3-15152] - Update Font Awesome
[PHPBB3-15158] - Facebook OAuth login results in fatal error
[PHPBB3-15163] - Braces in smilies "emotion" are not treated as literals
[PHPBB3-15173] - Resizing the posting editor's text area lags
[PHPBB3-15180] - Container broken because of template.twig.environment changes
[PHPBB3-15186] - The force_delete_allowed flag does not affect actual posts deletion ability
[PHPBB3-15187] - ACP Template files not purged during Extension Enable
[PHPBB3-15198] - Fix phpBB and PHP version info displayed in the ACP
[PHPBB3-15202] - Should not be possible to disable available extensions
[PHPBB3-15212] - Code box has double horizontal scrollbars
[PHPBB3-15217] - Allow extension to overwrite user::format_date()
[PHPBB3-15221] - missing commas in language/en/install.php
[PHPBB3-15222] - Typo in generate_text_for_display_test.php
[PHPBB3-15243] - Check permissions before installing with SQLite
[PHPBB3-15246] - Memcache driver incorrectly handles Unix sockets
[PHPBB3-15248] - Event core.modify_posting_auth does not honor its parameters
[PHPBB3-15252] - Wrapping poll title and options text by extra <t> tags if edited a topic by user having no f_poll permission
[PHPBB3-13603] - New event upon index_body_online_block_after
[PHPBB3-14557] - Simplify updating overloaded events for extensions
[PHPBB3-14849] - Add ACP extension event
[PHPBB3-14928] - Users will not understand the phrase '"%s" is not a valid stability.'
[PHPBB3-14973] - BC break with the rename of db/tools.php
[PHPBB3-14974] - Cookie notice link not configurable but links to english website
[PHPBB3-15037] - Make imageset retina capable
[PHPBB3-15068] - Add ability to retrieve template vars from the template object
[PHPBB3-15097] - Board statistics page should show PHP version
[PHPBB3-15123] - Check if extension was enabled/disabled before enable or disable
[PHPBB3-15142] - Extension Version Check Should Support Branches
[PHPBB3-15157] - Fix lack of proper font support
[PHPBB3-15176] - Add setting for the maximum number of posts a user must have to have his activity shown in profile
[PHPBB3-15199] - Add core event to the function send() in the messenger
[PHPBB3-15200] - Allow extensions using custom templates for help/faq controllers
[PHPBB3-15205] - Add template events to forumlist_body.html
[PHPBB3-15219] - Add cron to update passwords hashes to bcrypt
[PHPBB3-15226] - Add index for latest topics query in feeds
[PHPBB3-15227] - Remove unused code in startup
[PHPBB3-15237] - Unguarded includes functions_user
[PHPBB3-15238] - Add console command to fix left/right IDs for the forums and modules
[PHPBB3-15241] - Add ACP template event acp_profile_contact_last
[PHPBB3-15250] - Add core event to MCP at the end of merge_posts
New Feature
[PHPBB3-13730] - [PHP] - core.delete_post_end
[PHPBB3-14498] - Not possible to deactivate display of "who is online" and birthdays for guests
[PHPBB3-15040] - Update s9e\TextFormatter to 0.9.1
[PHPBB3-15045] - Fix missing incorrect constructor for user object in version_test
[PHPBB3-15086] - Replace quote.gif with fontawesome icon
[PHPBB3-15125] - Remove the function play_qt_file in forum_fn.js
[PHPBB3-15144] - Bug - MCP Multiple attachments icon display
Changes since 3.2.0-RC1
[PHPBB3-14588] - RTL Search Bar
[PHPBB3-14612] - Double .panel class on confirmation page (ajax error?)
[PHPBB3-14628] - CLI installer doesn't support the translatable error messages
[PHPBB3-14633] - Creating a new topic leaves a white page
[PHPBB3-14636] - BC compatibility broken using request_var
[PHPBB3-14640] - Wrong link to documentation in language/en/install.php
[PHPBB3-14660] - Emails are being sent unparsed
[PHPBB3-14663] - Incorrect unicode chars handling in custom BBCode
[PHPBB3-14665] - Invalid syntax in report_id_auto_increment migration
[PHPBB3-14684] - Extension Sniff script should use NOTESTS
[PHPBB3-14690] - Email queue cron task never runs for phpBB 3.2
[PHPBB3-14692] - Duplicate subexpression in questionnaire.php
[PHPBB3-14700] - Updating from 3.1 to 3.2, just stops
[PHPBB3-14706] - nested BB-Code [list] - shows different behaviour between 3.1 and 3.2
[PHPBB3-14709] - Deleting posts from mcp_main causes missing post_id notice
[PHPBB3-14714] - Update composer dependencies to latest versions
[PHPBB3-14716] - Impossible to install with open basedir restrictions
[PHPBB3-14717] - Quote any scalar in yaml files
[PHPBB3-14739] - Remove old SQLite 2.8.х database driver
[PHPBB3-14740] - BBcodes with quotes dont get parsed correctly
[PHPBB3-14742] - Improvements to migrator
[PHPBB3-14746] - Don't depend on container in installer msg_handler
[PHPBB3-14748] - Modify tests to pass PHP 7.1 tests
[PHPBB3-14763] - Files services definition specifies form for local type
[PHPBB3-14764] - Incomplete update notification points to wrong update-link
[PHPBB3-14765] - Parameter vs requirement spelling mismatch in installer routing config
[PHPBB3-14774] - Content-Range only supported for resuming downloads
[PHPBB3-14782] - Quick Links > Your Posts gives mysql error
[PHPBB3-14788] - Update developer list to reflect team changes
[PHPBB3-14791] - Trying to get form from wrong button in search test base
[PHPBB3-14793] - "A non-numeric value encountered" PHP warning on PHP 7.1+
[PHPBB3-14794] - Fix redirect behavior in according to parse_url() behavior changes in PHP 7.1+
[PHPBB3-14797] - Remove PHP 7.1 builds from allowed failures
[PHPBB3-14799] - purge_notifications() leaves open transaction for bad notification types.
[PHPBB3-14813] - functions_compatibility missing in phpbbcli
[PHPBB3-14814] - Text reparser reparses already correctly [re] -parsed objects
[PHPBB3-14821] - Do not expect parsed HTML in kernel subscriber output
[PHPBB3-14846] - Swapped variables in bbcode, first one doesn't get parsed
[PHPBB3-14873] - Missing width and height variables for smilies
[PHPBB3-14875] - Cannot use HTML entity type database passwords during installation
[PHPBB3-14883] - Text Reparser is Reparsing Empty Data
[PHPBB3-14892] - Assets paths broken on Windows instances
[PHPBB3-14894] - Update: download of conflict files offers .tar file without file extension
[PHPBB3-14896] - Link after installation fails at redirecting to ACP
[PHPBB3-14897] - IOHandler in the installer declares member variable only in the constructor
[PHPBB3-14900] - Disabled extension breakage in ACP
[PHPBB3-10961] - "You are not authorised..." still sends HTTP status 200 instead of i.e. 403
[PHPBB3-13709] - Fallback to english in email templates by extensions
[PHPBB3-14586] - phpBB Oauth V1 Wrapper Support
[PHPBB3-14595] - smtp port
[PHPBB3-14620] - Update docs/ for 3.2.x
[PHPBB3-14689] - Build 3.2.x API docs
[PHPBB3-14729] - Report post controller and report helper require specific implementation of config class
[PHPBB3-14734] - Use SVG emoji
[PHPBB3-14805] - Allow building package for previous versions on PHP 7
[PHPBB3-14867] - INCLUDECSS Path broken
[PHPBB3-14885] - Migrator logs need line breaks
New Feature
[PHPBB3-12610] - Add a command to check if the board is up to date.
[PHPBB3-14484] - Support extensions in UI tests
[PHPBB3-14492] - Improve send stats page and include VigLink
[PHPBB3-14547] - Add Vagrant Support
[PHPBB3-10809] - Remove PHP MSSQL Support
[PHPBB3-13573] - Investigate ability to use set_config() and similar compatibility functions.
[PHPBB3-14671] - Deduplicate database schema definiton
[PHPBB3-14696] - Fix email template test for '0' username
[PHPBB3-14807] - Updates dependencies
Changes since 3.2.0-b2
[PHPBB3-9435] - "magic numbers" in message_parser.php/bbcode.php
[PHPBB3-13616] - Pass lexer directly to TWIG environment
[PHPBB3-13972] - 3.1.5 - Waiting time conflict
[PHPBB3-14136] - IE compatibility meta is missing in overall_header.html
[PHPBB3-14198] - Container cache filename doesn't depend on the build options
[PHPBB3-14260] - Right parenthesis breaks (some?) magic URLs
[PHPBB3-14318] - Board Notifications Config Migration Not Working
[PHPBB3-14329] - Updater Cannot remove files
[PHPBB3-14381] - Text Reparser fails with empty sql fields
[PHPBB3-14393] - Update 3.2.0a1 to 3.2.0a2 --> Error: CANNOT_DELETE_FILES
[PHPBB3-14426] - viewtopic error posts bbcode pregmatch
[PHPBB3-14481] - phpBB does not obey HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT header
[PHPBB3-14497] - Update nginx sample config for new installer
[PHPBB3-14527] - Dataloss caused by link shortening
[PHPBB3-14528] - Structured data - breadcrumbs error
[PHPBB3-14530] - Signature parsing inconsistant
[PHPBB3-14532] - Database column default incorrectly escaped on MSSQL
[PHPBB3-14550] - function unique_id()
[PHPBB3-14555] - Inconsistent usage of the cache directory
[PHPBB3-14559] - Attachments' behaviour in quotes
[PHPBB3-14562] - Extension's permissions don't have language fallback
[PHPBB3-14564] - config cookie domain is empty
[PHPBB3-14569] - Add a method for console progress bar initialisation
[PHPBB3-14572] - Quote notifications deleted on edit
[PHPBB3-14576] - Functional Test Framework should include functions.php
[PHPBB3-14577] - Stop using sizeof() inside for() loop
[PHPBB3-14589] - Requirements test showing required text for "yellow/amber" (optional) requirements
[PHPBB3-14590] - Installer gets stuck at sending notification e-mail
[PHPBB3-14591] - Some installation data not being inserted when running under MS SQL Server
[PHPBB3-14607] - Missing Auto Increment in Report Table
[PHPBB3-14619] - docs/ folder need work to change 3.1.x to 3.2.x in readme, install, changelog etc
[PHPBB3-14648] - Users don't receive default notifications if another setting is set.
[PHPBB3-14649] - Missing variable within event
[PHPBB3-13502] - controller resolver should handle callable functions and objects
[PHPBB3-14540] - Adjust class recursive_dot_prefix_filter_iterator to increase performance
[PHPBB3-14561] - Add additional commands for user actions
[PHPBB3-14664] - Fix PHPDoc comment in cron manager
New Feature
[PHPBB3-12684] - Add a command to add a user from the CLI
[PHPBB3-13969] - Remove old help_* language files
[PHPBB3-14565] - Updates composer to 1.0.0-b2
Changes since 3.2.0-b1
[PHPBB3-14307] - Incorrect wording used in installer
[PHPBB3-14315] - Changing multiple forum permissions at once forces identical permissions on all groups
[PHPBB3-14416] - navlnks in header have incorrect tool tip styling
[PHPBB3-14431] - Remote avatar uploading does not support https
[PHPBB3-14440] - Paths can break for extensions with deep route patterns/paths
[PHPBB3-14460] - Use the selected language in AJAX pages as well in the installer
[PHPBB3-14461] - Text reparser migration might finish too late
[PHPBB3-14488] - Grab correct session ID in ui tests
[PHPBB3-14489] - Extension compiler pass cannot find class
[PHPBB3-14503] - Allow superglobals in installer cli
[PHPBB3-14510] - Prevent infinite loop in adding bots task
[PHPBB3-14312] - Allow installer updating only without updating files
[PHPBB3-14448] - Use guzzle for remote files uploading
[PHPBB3-14462] - Add further measures to prevent timeouts in the installer
[PHPBB3-14478] - Move facebook/webdriver to main composer.json
New Feature
[PHPBB3-14499] - CLI updater
[PHPBB3-14447] - Cleanup whitespaces in Prosilver
[PHPBB3-14477] - Update text formatter to latest release
Changes since 3.2.0-a2
[PHPBB3-10628] - http:// prepended to "www." urls (but not reflected in preview)
[PHPBB3-11875] - mediumint(8) too small for post_id
[PHPBB3-12221] - URLs Containing javascript: are Garbled
[PHPBB3-14129] - Adding custom extensions autoloaders feature slow downs the board
[PHPBB3-14321] - Fatal error on download the merged conflicts archive during update from 3.1.6 to 3.2-a1
[PHPBB3-14323] - Long urls are no longer shortened
[PHPBB3-14368] - Post Editors Text Should Be Black, Not Blue
[PHPBB3-14371] - Small fix for the aligment quick links
[PHPBB3-14373] - Do not use strpos() on arrays in iohandler_base::add_error_message()
[PHPBB3-14378] - Maintain consistent template var paths in 3.2 installer
[PHPBB3-14380] - Maintain consistent template var paths in 3.2 installer
[PHPBB3-14402] - Tidy plupload cron should not rely on user id/ip being available
[PHPBB3-14403] - phpbb\log should still work even when no user data is given
[PHPBB3-14405] - Text processor parses invalid use of url bbcode
[PHPBB3-14419] - Update composer dependencies and fix outdated composer lock file
[PHPBB3-14420] - Search Results pagination not up to date / broken
[PHPBB3-14428] - Use other links for files remote test
[PHPBB3-14431] - Remote avatar uploading does not support https
[PHPBB3-14432] - The lang() function needs to handle key array
[PHPBB3-14434] - Schema generator fails if extensions have non-migrations in migrations dir
[PHPBB3-14436] - Default data type migration misses oauth_states dependency
[PHPBB3-14442] - Use Goutte ~2.0 after allowing PHP >= 5.4
[PHPBB3-14444] - Fatal error in functions_messenger.php
[PHPBB3-14446] - Add predefined placeholder variables to twig
[PHPBB3-14452] - Undefined $progressFillerText in installer.js
[PHPBB3-14453] - Missing dependency in the text_reparser migration
[PHPBB3-13454] - Remove unused variables, globals, parameters
[PHPBB3-13733] - Allow non-migration files inside migrations folder
[PHPBB3-14177] - Catch exceptions and display a nice error page
[PHPBB3-14253] - Show group requests pending aproval at the ACP groups summary
[PHPBB3-14377] - Allow extensions to register custom compiler pass
[PHPBB3-14418] - Add missing language string PM_TOOLS
[PHPBB3-14445] - Force page refresh before the installer generates the schema
[PHPBB3-14250] - Review/bump composer dependencies
[PHPBB3-14262] - Move converter code into a controller
Changes since 3.2.0-a1
[PHPBB3-9791] - invalid [] - chars on search URI
[PHPBB3-13451] - A very long string inside message crashes PHP
[PHPBB3-14273] - Unnecessary core.root_path dependency in files.upload service
[PHPBB3-14293] - Responsive .postbody width not expanding
[PHPBB3-14295] - Icon on left side of "Post awaiting approval" inside messages is missing
[PHPBB3-14311] - Installer error messages not being reported back to client properly
[PHPBB3-14317] - Run lang_migrate_help_lang script on master
[PHPBB3-14320] - Language selector is broken in the installer
[PHPBB3-14325] - Renamed Event Variables Backwards Incompatible
[PHPBB3-14326] - Diffed files are not decoded at update
[PHPBB3-14339] - State support for PHP 7.0 in docs
[PHPBB3-14344] - Improve formatting of errors during install
[PHPBB3-14345] - Check if message description exists in install cli iohandler
[PHPBB3-14349] - Improve error messages and remove output of suppressed messages
[PHPBB3-14350] - Remove duplicate semi-colon from functions_user
[PHPBB3-14358] - Fatal error when running create_schema_files.php (missing composer autoloader)
[PHPBB3-14359] - Wrong service definition for console.command.reparser.reparse
[PHPBB3-12649] - Change sort & display options in footers to dropdown menu
[PHPBB3-14257] - Reparse after update
[PHPBB3-14269] - Use http_exceptions instead of die() in installer controllers
[PHPBB3-14310] - Progress bar in new installer not very clear
[PHPBB3-14340] - Revert the workaround fix for segmentation fault error on phpBB 3.2 PHP 7 tests
[PHPBB3-14247] - Usage of @ at begining of an unquoted string in a yaml file is deprecated
[PHPBB3-14341] - Update to Symfony 2.8
[PHPBB3-14348] - Add an index.html to the install folder
Changes since 3.1.x
[PHPBB3-6466] - Permission Role Tooltips do not display in Safari
[PHPBB3-7187] - Quote smilies error
[PHPBB3-7275] - Custom bbodes trim('${1}')
[PHPBB3-8064] - forum author sort not using username_clean
[PHPBB3-8419] - custom tag eats up space character
[PHPBB3-8420] - emoticon removes space before itself when using preview
[PHPBB3-8613] - BBCode_uid- and censor-bug
[PHPBB3-9073] - Word censoring in URLs
[PHPBB3-9109] - Maximum allowed recepients restriction precedence
[PHPBB3-9377] - Custom BB Code Nesting
[PHPBB3-10002] - (incomplete) BBCode usage of [quote] - and [list] - forces closing [/list] - and [/quote] -s, ultimately breaking HTML/Design
[PHPBB3-10388] - Template engine should use json_encode() to properly escape JS properties
[PHPBB3-10572] - Unguarded includes in acp/
[PHPBB3-10989] - Bug in BBCode
[PHPBB3-11444] - Unnecessary notify column in phpbb_user_notifications table
[PHPBB3-11967] - Notification settings are not respected
[PHPBB3-12143] - Untranslated group name from index if not special group
[PHPBB3-12195] - Double-slash URLs not supported
[PHPBB3-12387] - mysqli_free_result is called with false value
[PHPBB3-12554] - Quotes do not display correctly as list elements
[PHPBB3-12698] - Replace all instances of magic numbers with constants in javascript
[PHPBB3-12957] - The template engine is not constructed properly in install/index
[PHPBB3-12974] - Update nightly version of develop to 3.2.0-a1-dev
[PHPBB3-13101] - Remove WLM contact from profile
[PHPBB3-13238] - \phpbb\db\migration\data\v310\mysql_fulltext_drop tries to drop non existent indexes
[PHPBB3-13359] - Develop tests fail due to wrong template set up in tests
[PHPBB3-13362] - The whole cache dir (excluding the .htaccess and index.html files) should be ignored by git
[PHPBB3-13371] - Lang vars not loaded during install process
[PHPBB3-13372] - Environment Bug - Routing broken for extensions
[PHPBB3-13377] - Function decode_message() incorrectly decodes www type URLs
[PHPBB3-13425] - Smiley code at start of text being quoted doesn't show smiley image in quote
[PHPBB3-13513] - Mixed routing file paths in the router
[PHPBB3-13555] - Poll options preview rendered incorrectly by <br /> collision
[PHPBB3-13619] - Remove unneeded folders/files from vendor folder in release package
[PHPBB3-13638] - INCLUDECSS and INCLUDEJS Broken in 3.2
[PHPBB3-13670] - Fix fatal function name must be a string in functional tests
[PHPBB3-13680] - Notification for a quote within a quote
[PHPBB3-13718] - Spambot countermeasures/CAPTCHA admin panel won't load
[PHPBB3-13749] - Add missing slash to base uri in helper route tests
[PHPBB3-13766] - Missing style_parent_id in textformater's data_access::get_styles()
[PHPBB3-13769] - bin/phpbbcli.php ignores PHPBB_ENVIRONMENT constant from config.php
[PHPBB3-13772] - Error in @param variable type for phpbb\passwords\manager
[PHPBB3-13782] - ACM null caching driver class is named with the reserved word 'null'
[PHPBB3-13792] - Travis fails installing hhvm-nigthly
[PHPBB3-13814] - phpbb_is_writable() method of the new filesystem class truncates files
[PHPBB3-13825] - create_thumbnail() incorrectly calls phpbb\filesystem::phpbb_chmod
[PHPBB3-13828] - Rename null driver to dummy for PHP7 compatibility in tests
[PHPBB3-13829] - Router requires cache directory to be writable
[PHPBB3-13839] - Failing test when the phpBB root directory isn't named phpbb
[PHPBB3-13849] - Development environment broken
[PHPBB3-13860] - Array to string conversion in parser service
[PHPBB3-13871] - Call to a member function realpath() on a non-object in functions.php on line 3474
[PHPBB3-13875] - Lint test should ignore cache, ext, and store folder
[PHPBB3-13890] - Failling tests in master
[PHPBB3-13896] - Coding style issue in master
[PHPBB3-13897] - Non-existent environment causes fatal error
[PHPBB3-13906] - BBCodes in signatures are not correctly parsed in post preview
[PHPBB3-13990] - Reparse markup inside of forum rules/description
[PHPBB3-13993] - Signature Editing Broken
[PHPBB3-14008] - Do not add a user_id value to quotes from guests
[PHPBB3-14033] - Correct docblock errors
[PHPBB3-14034] - Fix reparser names that contain "text_reparser" in the middle
[PHPBB3-14036] - Replace path_helper with a mock
[PHPBB3-14052] - New installer - The commands are not translated
[PHPBB3-14074] - Not possible to clear notification (mark as read)
[PHPBB3-14076] - Notifications settings are not correctly handled when a non default setting is set
[PHPBB3-14078] - Notification related sql general error on submission of editing post
[PHPBB3-14079] - Cannot mark notification as read from the dropdown
[PHPBB3-14094] - Current master branch is getting segmentation fault error on PHP 7 tests
[PHPBB3-14128] - Image posting overflow regression
[PHPBB3-14137] - Fix Notification Menu Settings spacing issue caused by new jump-box improvements
[PHPBB3-14138] - Use span tags instead of abbr tags in the footer
[PHPBB3-14165] - Fix layout of ucp/mcp after 14139
[PHPBB3-14178] - Installer database helper tests fail if sqlite3 is not present
[PHPBB3-14180] - Use unix line ending in files classes tests
[PHPBB3-14182] - Move the v310\notifications_board migration to v320\notifications_board
[PHPBB3-14183] - Remove deprecated max-device-width
[PHPBB3-14193] - Custom BBCode Buttons Broken
[PHPBB3-14194] - Responsive Quick Links Menu Broken
[PHPBB3-14195] - Plupload Attachments Not Quite Working
[PHPBB3-14199] - We need to hide icons from screen readers
[PHPBB3-14202] - Add missing sr-only classes to icons
[PHPBB3-14216] - Do not run thumbnail test if gd is not enabled
[PHPBB3-14221] - Fix viewforum header issue
[PHPBB3-14222] - ACP users page tries to cast deactivated_super_global to int
[PHPBB3-14225] - Inject the resolver in routing loaders when using them
[PHPBB3-14230] - Unread posts' icons don't have different color in viewtopic
[PHPBB3-14234] - Do not use references in trigger_event()
[PHPBB3-14235] - Font Awesome not available with simple_header.html
[PHPBB3-14240] - Always include all config files in the update package
[PHPBB3-14274] - New installer has weak inclusion of user functions
[PHPBB3-14277] - Don't use user_id in migrations as it is not defined
[PHPBB3-14278] - Don't use user_id in installer if not available
[PHPBB3-8672] - No file size limit in getimagesize() and remote upload
[PHPBB3-8708] - Splitting global announcements from f_announce
[PHPBB3-9485] - Please include link to specific post in moderator's activity logs.
[PHPBB3-10268] - extend function make_clickable() to also recognize semicolons as leading URL borders
[PHPBB3-10620] - Quote tag improvement
[PHPBB3-10922] - Allow parameters for [email] - BBCode content instead of addresses only
[PHPBB3-11649] - Move construction of twig environment to DIC
[PHPBB3-11742] - BBCode 'code' doesn't support tabs
[PHPBB3-12466] - Move classes from acp_database.php to their own files
[PHPBB3-12487] - Update PHP code
[PHPBB3-12608] - Improve notifications drop-down menu styling in header
[PHPBB3-12654] - Improve header search-box styling
[PHPBB3-12681] - Cache the compiled routes and dump the url_generator
[PHPBB3-12719] - Convert to Normalize & SUITCSS - base for reset
[PHPBB3-12745] - Allow Emoji characters in posts
[PHPBB3-12769] - Add and use Font-Awesome to handle proSilver icons
[PHPBB3-12821] - Use CSS instead of images for gradients
[PHPBB3-12958] - Remove subsilver2
[PHPBB3-13063] - Move functions_url_matcher to a proper class
[PHPBB3-13132] - Twig: move the loops content from loops. to the root context
[PHPBB3-13137] - Remove schema.json from repository
[PHPBB3-13178] - Allow posting Emoji characters if the database supports it
[PHPBB3-13206] - DEBUG mode should automatically recompile stale style components
[PHPBB3-13266] - Enabling twig dump function if DEBUG is defined
[PHPBB3-13388] - Integrate routing and di parameters resolution
[PHPBB3-13450] - Type-hint return value of $phpbb_container->get()
[PHPBB3-13455] - Change request_var() calls with $request->variable()
[PHPBB3-13468] - Change add_log() calls with $phpbb_log->add()
[PHPBB3-13494] - Replace set_config() calls with $config->set()
[PHPBB3-13496] - Replace set_config_count() calls with $config->increment()
[PHPBB3-13497] - Change get_tables() calls with $db_tools->sql_list_tables()
[PHPBB3-13498] - Change get_user_avatar() calls with phpbb_get_avatar()
[PHPBB3-13499] - Move get_remote_file() to functions_compatibility.php
[PHPBB3-13595] - Remove unused instances of the bbcode class
[PHPBB3-13614] - Remove phpbb_pcre_utf8_support() and assume Unicode is supported by PCRE
[PHPBB3-13652] - Extend SQL query builder functionality
[PHPBB3-13697] - Rewriting/moving file system functions to filesystem class
[PHPBB3-13740] - Refactoring installer
[PHPBB3-13762] - Moving translation loading and language related functions into a service
[PHPBB3-13770] - Make DI Container builder constructor dependency free
[PHPBB3-13789] - Implement Googles noCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA
[PHPBB3-13801] - Decouple the user object from the text_formatter.s9e.parser service
[PHPBB3-13803] - Implement a generic and scalable way to reparse rich text
[PHPBB3-13805] - Make generate_text_for_storage() match the signature and feature set of message_parser::parse()
[PHPBB3-13844] - Replace help_ language magic with a help manager and normal language files
[PHPBB3-13847] - Move quote generation to text_formatter.utils
[PHPBB3-13891] - Add CLI commands for reparsing text
[PHPBB3-13901] - Give quotes more whitespace in the posting form for readability
[PHPBB3-13902] - Increase the CSS margin around blockquote
[PHPBB3-13904] - Refactor attachment upload functions into service
[PHPBB3-13921] - Try harder to fix block elements BBCodes used inside of inline elements BBCodes
[PHPBB3-13946] - Increase the CSS margin around [code] - and [list] -
[PHPBB3-13970] - Save the value of the optional parameter in [code] - BBCode
[PHPBB3-13986] - Add --resume option to reparser CLI
[PHPBB3-13987] - Add --dry-run option to reparser CLI
[PHPBB3-14000] - Make it possible to use emojis in posts
[PHPBB3-14097] - Catch and show all exceptions
[PHPBB3-14107] - dropdown rendering on rtl
[PHPBB3-14124] - Automatically translate exception in CLI
[PHPBB3-14139] - stop styling IDs
[PHPBB3-14157] - Allow administrators to set an alt attribute for topic icons
[PHPBB3-14162] - Add CLI commands to manage migrations
[PHPBB3-14168] - Refactor attachment management functions into classes
[PHPBB3-14174] - issues in language\en\install_new.php
[PHPBB3-14175] - Refactor responsive implementation for easier manipulation
[PHPBB3-14206] - Fix jumpbox incosistencies
[PHPBB3-14220] - Adding routing file locator and route loader services
[PHPBB3-14231] - Fix double home icon in breadcrumbs
[PHPBB3-14237] - Use language class in the notifications component
[PHPBB3-14264] - Don't use constants in textreparser plugins
New Feature
[PHPBB3-10165] - Send test email feature on email settings ACP page
[PHPBB3-11768] - Integrate s9e\TextFormatter
[PHPBB3-12516] - Always preview signature in UCP/ACP module
[PHPBB3-12620] - Allow the user to define multiples environments
[PHPBB3-12692] - Add a console command to manage the thumbnail
[PHPBB3-13329] - Rely on Intl and mbstring, use patchwork/utf8 as fallback
[PHPBB3-13641] - problem with custom BBCode
[PHPBB3-13961] - Add orderable service collections
[PHPBB3-14125] - Add --env option to all CLI commands
[PHPBB3-14158] - Add a lang_array function to the language service to avoid using call_user_func
[PHPBB3-12577] - Use a lazy service to delay the construction of the passwords_manager
[PHPBB3-12581] - Use the proxy pattern for the template lexer
[PHPBB3-12632] - Use a twig.debug environment config value to enable Twig debug
[PHPBB3-12633] - Add
[PHPBB3-12699] - Replace instances in the message textarea keydown callback
[PHPBB3-13421] - Create an interface for db\tools.php
[PHPBB3-13487] - Add factory for db tool class
[PHPBB3-13645] - Moving feeds to controllers
[PHPBB3-13647] - Move FAQ to controller
[PHPBB3-13654] - Moving reports to controller
[PHPBB3-13881] - Unify quote removal in 3.1 and 3.2
[PHPBB3-13935] - Allow more admin-configurable schemes in post links
[PHPBB3-14039] - Refactoring the updater
[PHPBB3-14044] - Deduplicate the installers
[PHPBB3-9457] - [Accessibility] - Add WAI-ARIA landmarks to the Prosilver template files
[PHPBB3-11528] - Use mink for acceptance tests involving javascript execution
[PHPBB3-12384] - Run Travis CI HHVM tests against MySQLi instead of MySQL
[PHPBB3-12505] - Remove outdated media handling in attachment.html
[PHPBB3-12564] - Remove obsolete version definitions from module info files
[PHPBB3-12916] - Add separate nightly builds for 3.1 and 3.2
[PHPBB3-13130] - Update dependencies to Symfony 2.5
[PHPBB3-13139] - Update Twig to 1.18.0
[PHPBB3-13363] - Replace phpbb\php\ini with composer package bantu/ini-get-wrapper
[PHPBB3-13407] - Update Symfony Components to 2.7.x
[PHPBB3-13572] - Upgrade composer to 1.0.0-alpha9
[PHPBB3-13634] - Update README to show new branch names
[PHPBB3-13725] - Coding guidelines: static public
[PHPBB3-13767] - Remove .git from vendor/s9e/text-formatter
[PHPBB3-13768] - Update to Symfony 2.8@dev
[PHPBB3-13774] - Update s9e\TextFormatter
[PHPBB3-13777] - Move acp/modules module handling code into a service
[PHPBB3-13793] - Remove message translation from exceptions
[PHPBB3-13800] - Make extension manager an optional dependency for the router
[PHPBB3-13804] - Make template's user dependency optional
[PHPBB3-13832] - Replace use of deprecated e modifier of preg_replace in bbcode functions
[PHPBB3-13985] - Update s9e\TextFormatter
[PHPBB3-14015] - Update Symfony to the latest 2.8@dev
[PHPBB3-14053] - Remove @covers annotations from installer config test
[PHPBB3-14056] - Keep install schema resources in the install folder
[PHPBB3-14096] - Update Symfony to the latest 2.8@dev
[PHPBB3-14140] - Update Symfony to benefit from improvement to the console component
[PHPBB3-14150] - Update fast-image-size to newest release
[PHPBB3-14205] - Bump PHP requirement to 5.4
[PHPBB3-14238] - Update Symfony to the latest 2.8@dev
[PHPBB3-14243] - Exclude every .git directory from the pakages
[PHPBB3-14256] - Remove PHP7 from the allowed failures
[PHPBB3-14265] - Make all tables available in the container
Jonathan Gulbrandsen - Webmaster
The Rules | Asking Questions The Smart Way
"There are two ways to write error-free code. Only the third one works."
"Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow."
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